Hammerling & Partner are certified management consultants of the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA).
With this certification, H&P meets the highest quality standards.
We will be happy to answer your questions about funding programs, requirements, etc.
What is supported by the BAFA?
The program “Promotion of Entrepreneurial Know-How” promotes consultations of small and medium-sized companies. The companies can get advice from qualified, consultants on all economic, financial, personnel and organizational questions of business management. Likewise, companies in difficulty receive a consulting grant on all issues relating to the restoration of performance and competitiveness.
Who is eligible?
- Young companies that have been on the market for less than two years (start-up companies)
- Companies from the third year after their foundation (existing companies)
- Companies that are in economic difficulties – irrespective of the age of the company (companies in difficulty)
The companies must be based in the Federal Republic of Germany and meet the EU SME definition for small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, companies in difficulty must meet the conditions set out in point 20(a) or 20(b) of the Guidelines on State aid for rescuing and restructuring non-financial firms in difficulty (2014/249/01), as amended.
The date of incorporation is the date of registration of the business or the extract from the commercial register in the case of commercial entities and the date of registration with the tax office in the case of self-employed persons.
What are the main areas of consulting?
Consulting for start-ups and existing companies can be funded within the framework of the following consulting focal points:
General consulting
General advice on all economic, financial, personnel and organizational issues of business management.
Special consulting
This includes consulting for companies that are
- are led by women.
- are managed by migrant women or migrants.
- are managed by entrepreneurs with a recognized disability.
- contribute to the better integration of employees with a migration background.
- contribute to the organization of work for employees with disabilities.
- contribute to the recruitment and retention of skilled workers.
- contribute to equal opportunities and a better work-life balance.
- contribute to the ageing-appropriate design of work.
- contribute to sustainability and environmental protection.
Companies in difficulty can receive funding for corporate security consulting to restore their economic performance and competitiveness. In addition, companies in difficulty can receive funding for a further follow-up consultation on all economic, financial, personnel and organizational issues of company management in order to deepen the measures of a company safeguarding consultation.
Existing companies may not take up more than five consulting days. The days do not have to be consecutive. Reporting and travel time may fall outside this time frame.
This limit does not apply to start-up companies or companies in difficulty. Here, the measure can be carried out and accounted for over the entire funding period (maximum 6 months).
What kind of grant can I get?
The amount of the grant is based on the maximum eligible consulting costs (assessment basis) and the location of the company.