Explore the Pricing Trends of 2024 in the B2B Market: How Hammerling & Partner Can Assist as a Business Consulting Agency

The landscape of Business-to-Business (B2B) is ever-evolving, particularly when it comes to pricing strategies. In an era where markets are dynamic and customer demands are increasingly sophisticated, it’s essential to keep pace with the latest pricing trends to remain competitive while ensuring profitability. The Evolutionary Journey of Pricing Strategies In recent years, traditional pricing strategies […]
The Crucial Role of Training, Coaching, and Talent Development in the Future of Customer Service

The relentless advancement of digitization and escalating competitive pressures compel companies to elevate their customer service to new heights. In this era of the future of customer service, training, coaching, and talent development emerge as indispensable elements to successfully meet the needs of discerning customers. Challenges in Modern Customer Service Contemporary clientele demands not only […]
Challenger Sales – a new sales approach

Challenger Sales is a sales approach that has gained increasing attention and popularity in recent years.At its core, it is about not only advising and serving customers, but also challenging and inspiring them.The idea behind it is that customers often don’t know what they need, and a good salesperson should be able to show them. […]
Lack of quality in the back office is one of the most common causes of customer dissatisfaction

The back office usually has two main tasks: Balancing performance and cost is a constant struggle, especially because there has been little investment in modernizing systems and processes in the back office in the past. The optimized back office In the optimized back office, there are uniform specifications and management processes for recording, measuring and […]
Customer Service vs. Customer Experience – Connecting Expectations and Results

Customer service and customer experience aren’t just buzzwords that blanket advertising, websites, and offers; they’re turnkey components of any company’s growth strategy. But what do they actually mean? What are the differences? Customer Service (CS) vs. Customer Experience (CX) – is there a difference? On the surface, they seem like interchangeable terms to describe the […]
H & P establishes competence center for digital learning

H & P takes into account the changing learning landscape of modern companies and invests in the development and expansion of digital learning media as part of our digital strategy. To this end, we are opening our “Digital Competence Center” in specially equipped rooms. From green screens, high-speed cameras, video editing systems, camera drones to […]
Direct support from BAFA.

Hammerling & Partner are certified management consultants of the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA). With this certification, H&P meets the highest quality standards. We will be happy to answer your questions about funding programs, requirements, etc. What is supported by the BAFA? The program “Promotion of Entrepreneurial Know-How” promotes consultations of small […]
unternehmensWert: Mensch

Hammerling & Partner are certified management consultants in the project unternehmensWert:Mensch of the Federal Ministry of Labor and the European Social Fund What is the unternehmensWert:Mensch program? The support program for a modern personnel policy. The program unternehmensWert:Mensch is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the European Social Fund. What […]
unternehmensWert: Mensch plus

Hammerling & Partner are certified management consultants in the project unternehmensWert:Mensch – plus of the Federal Ministry of Labor and the European Social Fund. What is the unternehmensWert:Mensch – plus program about? Using the opportunities of digitization profitably has also become an economic necessity for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). To do this, companies need […]
Hammerling & Partner supports Adesuwa e.V.

As part of our corporate social responsibility, we have been supporting the work of Adesuwa e.V. for many years. Adesuwa e.V. has been working since 2007 to give children in Nigeria access to education and to create a better future perspective in the long term. The projects are diverse and comprehensive: Organization of the school […]